Deana Wright visits Sounds Good Friday to give an update on work on revitalizing the Higgins House just west of the Murray Calloway County Public Library on Main Street. Wright says that Main Street is looking at about $200,000 in repairs before "the pretty" work begins to convert the hundred year old home into public spaces, particularly for social gatherings involving fewer than 50 attendees. Also, learn more about the 100 Year Anniversary of the County Court House on the Murray square to be celebrated on May 7.
Many residents of the Four Rivers region devote their time to restoring and preserving our history. WKMS Reporters set out to meet some of those residents to produce the stories you'll find below. We get background on Kentucky's role in the forgotten war of 1812, then we meet a man who's devote much of his time to restoring honor by way of headstones to veterans of that war.Reporters Angela Hatton and Heidi Couch report on ways people in our region revert to the "old ways" to make sweet sorghum molasses and healthy teas and salves.Casey Northcutt and Shelly Baskin report on the little talked about history history of Burlesque and Moonshine.We also learn about ancient Native American Mounds in our region and how Murray State is preserving recorded conversations from nearly 45 years ago.
Revitalizing the Higgins House and Other Murray Main Street Projects