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Maiden Alley - "Rescue Dawn"

By Matt Markgraf

Murray, KY – Werner Herzog was born Werner Stipetic in 1942 in Germany near the end of World War II. After their neighbor's house was bombed, his family moved to a remote village in Bavaria. He spent most of his childhood without any exposure to films, television or telephones. When Herzog was 13, his family shared an apartment with German actor Klaus Kinski. Herzog recalled I knew at that moment that I would be a film director and that I would direct Kinski. Since then, he has written, directed and produced over 40 films, published a dozen books and as many operas. Matt Markgraf speaks with Maiden Alley Cinema's Larry Thomas about Herzog's new film Rescue Dawn.

Click the "Listen" icon above to hear Markgraf's interview with Thomas. "Rescue Dawn" shows this weekend at Paducah's Maiden Alley Cinema. For show times and rating information visit