Sen. Julian Carroll has filed a bill that would pay for state employee raises by doubling fines for traffic and misdemeanor offenses. The Madisonville Messenger reports that if Senate Bill 171 passes it would raise enough money to pay for a four percent salary increase for state employees by 2015. Carroll says the cost would be about $20 million. One percent raises would go into effect in January and July 2014 with an additional two percent increase in July 2015 and every year thereafter. Carroll says even with those raises state employees would still fall short of recouping pay cuts that amount to about 9 percent since 2004. He says employees have been given 13 percent in raises since then while cost of living has risen 22 percent. To pass, the legislation would require a supermajority, or 23 votes in the state Senate, since it raises revenue.
Kentucky Senator Proposes Doubling Fines to Fund State Raises

Julian Carroll