The Paducah Police Department announced a new class Tuesday at the City Commission meeting based off the Anti-Bullying Task Force created through the City earlier this year.
The class is for middle and high school students and includes a presentation with video from the movie Forrest Gump, which demonstrates bullying, and interactive discussion on the topic.
"Whenever the unfortunate things of bullying get to a point where it breaks the law, then we have to step in," Chief Brandon Barnhill said. "If we can put in the effort on the front end of this, and curtail a lot of this from happening, and make people aware of what their comments may mean to someone, or how it could be offense to someone, if we can curtail it at that point then that's the best way to fix it."
Civic, religious and educational organizations can request the program from the Paducah Police Department at no charge. The class will be held at McCracken County High School later this month.
In other commission news:
There will be a Veteran's Day parade on Monday, Nov. 11 at 11AM in Paducah, that begins at 2nd and Broadway and continue along Broadway to 17th Street. The opening ceremony will be at the gazebo at 2nd and Broadway at 10:30AM.
A resolution was presented to rename Dolly McNutt Plaza to Dolly McNutt Memorial Plaza to honor veterans. The rededication ceremony will be Monday, Nov. 11 at 9AM at the plaza on South 5th Street.
Commissioner Sandra Wilson questioned whether the city should consider allowing the sale of alcohol on Election Day, as the Kentucky law was repealed this Spring. Mayor Gayle Kaler said the City Manager will research the issue.
The Commission approved the city's 2014 health insurance plan.