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Texting Ban Update

By Stu Johnson

Frankfort, KY – Both houses of the legislature have now acted to ban texting while driving. The senate overwhelming approved a on writing, sending, or reading a text while driving a moving vehicle. The bill also prohibits anyone under age 18 from talking on a cell phone while driving. Warnings would be issued until January and then offenders would face fines ranging from 25 to 50 dollars. London senator Tom Jensen says the fines are secondary..

"It's a minor penalty, but it's trying to instill in people that this is a dumb thing to do."

Bill sponsor Denise Harper Angel believes the act will deter reckless driving. Saying it will be difficult to enforce, Paducah senator Bob Leeper voted no..

"We always want to try to do things to make things safer and that's commendable there's no doubt that's the honorable thing to do but it needs to be practical."

A similar bill was passed in the house. Now the aim will be to negotiate a final version.