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morning cram [before we had air-conditioning edition]

From NPR: With about 55 percent of the continental U.S. suffering from "moderate to extreme drought" conditions the nation is withering under conditions that haven't been this bad since 1956.

From Kentucky: Voters in Marshall County and the City of Murray head to the polls today to vote on the question of legalizing package liquor sales in their respective jurisdictions. A little rain makes a difference in two drought-stricken Western Kentucky counties. A dispute over the amount of gasoline necessary to cause a 1998 fatal dorm fire at Murray State dominated defense arguments in the Jerry Wayne Walker Jr. trial yesterday. Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner James Comer is warning livestock producers and corn growers to take steps to avoid harming livestock by feeding them drought-stricken corn silage. The Kentucky Arts Council is accepting applications from craft and visual artists who would like to be part of the Kentucky Crafted Program through August 15.  

From Tennessee: A new Tennessee Department of Education report addresses educators’ concerns about the way certain test scores are used to evaluate teachers. Tennessee lottery officials say they’ve set another record with more than $323 million raised this year for state education programs. 

From Illinois: Illinois began its new budget year staring at a huge stack of old bills.  Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed three billsyesterday to beef up existing laws and practices which protect crime victims. 

From Missouri: Twenty teachers from six different states visited New Madrid, Missouri on Monday to learn more about that town's claim to fame.