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Hopkinsville HS Students Allege Discrimination Over LGBT Related Yearbook Quote

Change.ORG Petition


Hopkinsville High School has refused to run three students’ senior yearbook quotes that reference their LGBT lifestyles, and one of them has filed a petition against the school board saying its discrimination.

Christian County Schools Spokeswoman Heather Lancaster says the decision was from both school administrators and the school’s year book staff.

“We do have students and yearbook sponsors that edit the yearbook and if (a quote) was submitted to the yearbook and it was inappropriate then a decision was made to not include that,” she said. “However, the students were given another option to correct their quotes, resubmit.”

18-year-old Brooklyn Fosberg filed the petition on where it has more than 530 supporters. But Lancaster says the student yearbook staff and administrators’ decision to not run the quotes isn’t discrimination.

“The district and the school both have rule against discrimination and theres are maintained for all students,” she said. “And to this point the district has no indication that proper procedures were not followed at the school.”

Fosberg says the quotes she and her friends submitted were as follows:

Brooklyn Fosberg: “Some Barbies like Ken. Some Barbies like Barbies.”

Rachel Summers: “It’s ok to be a little gay.”

Marlee Simms: “Maybe it’s because I’ve got a big lesbian crush on you.”

Lancaster says no parents have filed complaints, which is the next step in the case of discrimination laid out in the student handbook.


Whitney grew up listening to Car Talk to and from her family’s beach vacation each year, but it wasn’t until a friend introduced her to This American Life that radio really grabbed her attention. She is a recent graduate from Union University in Jackson, Tenn., where she studied journalism. When she’s not at WKMS, you can find her working on her backyard compost pile and garden, getting lost on her bicycle or crocheting one massive blanket.
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