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FLW 2011 Nationals Start

By Rose Krzton-Presson

Murray, KY – Today starts the 2011 National Guard FLW College Fishing National Championship. Murray State hosts the competition this year. Fisherman set out from the Moors Resort and Marina in Gilbertsville, Kentucky. The three day championship is nationally televised and features the top 25 college fishing teams in the country competing on Kentucky Lake. This afternoon is the angler's first weigh-in of the tournament at Murray State's CFSB Center. The tournament continues through Saturday.

Matt Markgraf joined the WKMS team as a student in January 2007. He's served in a variety of roles over the years: as News Director March 2016-September 2019 and previously as the New Media & Promotions Coordinator beginning in 2011. Prior to that, he was a graduate and undergraduate assistant. He is currently the host of the international music show Imported on Sunday nights at 10 p.m.