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Conway Supporters Divided on Negative Attacks

By Angela Hatton

Murray, KY – A crowd of around 75 people turned out at the Democratic Headquarters in Murray for a meet and greet with U.S. Senate candidate Jack Conway. Maureen Ramsden of Hazel says she backs Conway, especially when it comes to healthcare and social security. Ramsden says Conway's recent attack ads which condemn his opponent Rand Paul's membership in an anti-religion society in college, are not too harsh.

"Not compared to what we got jammed down our throat about President Obama and his religion and so forth. No I don't. Just back right back at you!"

While Ramsden backs Conway's recent negative ad, some members of his online Facebook community have condemned it, as have others. The ad is set to run on television stations in Kentucky through the end of the week. Conway says he plans an aggressive campaign in the days left before the election.



Matt Markgraf joined the WKMS team as a student in January 2007. He's served in a variety of roles over the years: as News Director March 2016-September 2019 and previously as the New Media & Promotions Coordinator beginning in 2011. Prior to that, he was a graduate and undergraduate assistant. He is currently the host of the international music show Imported on Sunday nights at 10 p.m.