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APSU Students Settle Into New Dorm Complex

Austin Peay State University students are settling into three new residence halls.

The Governors Terrace complex consists of the five-floor Eriksson Hall, and two four-floor dormitories at the north and sound end of the complex.

Eriksson Hall features a dining room that stays open until midnight.

“Our dining facilities were somewhat maxed out because of our recent growth over the last five years and so having a dining hall in a residential area is advantageous,” said APSU Executive Director for Public Relations Bill Persinger.

All together, Governors Terrace houses more than 400 students.

The $34 million dollar project was bolstered by a grant from federal and state emergency management agencies. That grant provided for the construction of safe rooms beneath each hall that can hold about 1400 students. The rooms are built to withstand the force of an EF5 tornado.

John Null is the host and creator of Left of the Dial. From 2013-2016, he also served as a reporter in the WKMS newsroom.
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